
From OpenEMR Project Wiki

MedEx Communication Service is a commercial messaging module available to openEMR practices utilizing version 5.0.1 and higher.

MedEx Features:

MedEx automates Appointment Reminders and Recalls using phone calls, text messages and e-mails. Replies from patients are displayed directly in your EHR:

  • Appt. Reminders in the Flow Board
  • Recall Message in the Recall Board
  • Both types of messages and their responses also appear in the SMS Bot

The SMS Bot is an openEMR-embedded SMS interface. Real-time SMS is available inside of openEMR.

Go Green Events convert traditional mailings into digital events.

Announcements: Blast SMS and/or Voice messages to select patients.

Announcements and Go Green documents can be specific to:

  • Office location
  • Provider
  • Appointment Type
  • Visit Status

If a patient opts-out of one particular type of messaging, MedEx updates this preference in your EHR. If they later change their mind, you will have to manually change their messaging preference in the demographics section Choices.

  • There is a fee for this service.
  • Inquire[1] about special rates for free or non-profit organizations.
  • Rates may vary due to higher transmission costs in some countries.
  • Text-to-speech services are currently limited to English (Spanish is in Beta).
  • Clinical Reminder Messaging is currently in Beta.
  • CAPHS© Surveys are currently in Beta.
  • MedEx is a strong contributor and supporter of FOSS.

Steps to Activate MedEx in openEMR

1. Navigate to Globals->Connectors and check the Enable MedEx Communication Service box.
2. Refresh/open the Messages tab.
3. Navigate the Messages tab new sub-menu to File->Setup MedEx.
  • Begin the Sign-up process from within your EHR
  • Your server must be connected to the internet to create a secure connection to MedEx
  • Windows servers may need to update their root certificates (see here)
4. Login in to MedEx to configure your services.
5. MedEx runs on your server in the background.
6. Messages will automatically be sent out daily according to your configuration, and their responses displayed in your EHR.