User:Johan Hambræus

From OpenEMR Project Wiki

MD, working with interventional pain medicine and parttime as GP. Worked with computers and programming since late 80s. In early 2000 I started to look for an EMR and electronic ledger and found SQL-ledger and open-EMR. I was engaged for some time in both but had to concentrate so I left my engagement in open-EMR since there where too much work to do until it would be applicable in Sweden. I have kept up with SQL-ledger and some of the language support to swedish though.

The development in Sweden have changed the field a bit. mopst electronic services (prescription etc) are now done through third-party providers and an emr does not need to have this included in itself. Therfore i again am interestid in open-EMR. I would like to start adding swedish as a workin language and then I will see what more one have to do.