OpenEMR Questionnaire – Conclusion

From OpenEMR Project Wiki

and Resources

Please note, I say again: this set of wiki pages is not to teach how to build questionnaires! It is strictly how to use the questionnaire forms in the EMR and the Portal. I will provide some links below to resources that introduce the art of building questionnaires, and the reader can take it from there.

SJPadgett is the project leader for the Portal, document templates and questionnaires. He has posted copiously in the OpenEMR forum on all those topics, and a search of the forum will yield a lot of good information. These wiki pages cover basically the same functions as described in the forum posts so of course will resemble them quite a lot. My method was to go through the instructions, learn the workflows then document my own experience with my own screenshots and descriptions.

Here is the main forum post about the questionnaire form:

A few of the points it covers:

  • getting started with NIH tools
  • importing questionnaire templates
  • creating encounter questionnaire
  • importing questionnaires to a template repository
  • storage of templates and questionnaires
  • resolution of some error messages
  • form validation
  • scoring- type forms
  • skip logic
  • bug in NLM Form Builder
  • copy/ paste JSON into questionnaire

The other main post on Questionnaires is far more technical and talks about the internal design and workings of the questionnaire form.

Some points:

  • link to the current PR (may be out of date)
  • github link to 'Dynamic Encounter Questionnaires', Implementation for dynamic LOINC panels/questionnaire import from NIH to create and or register encounter questionnaire forms
  • questionnaire management from the Portal Dashboard
  • 'tasking assessments/documents with notifications'

The NLM form builder, with tutorials on building questionnaires

enter a letter and pick a name and follow the NLM export instructions in this tutorial.

Lastly-- previous to this writing, the only other capacity that OpenEMR had for questionnaires is the GAD-7 and the PHQ-9 LBFs. These forms were created and added to OpenEMR before SJPadgett's Questionnaire form and are not related to it. They're minimally discussed in the forum and have virtually no documentation; I mention them here to forestall people thinking that they are part of the Questionnaire form feature. But they do provide some insight on creating your own questionnaire-like LBFs, if you want to do that.

Here's the most helpful forum post I can find:

And here's the sole wiki page mentioning the GAD-7:

The explanation it provides also applies to the PHQ-9, which is listed in the 'Unregistered Forms' screen right above the GAD-7.

Depending on your OpenEMR version the main menu item 'Patinet/Client / Visit Forms' may be obsoleted and you'll only find the enabled forms in the encounter 'Clinical' menu.

3. Use in Portal <-> 0. Introduction