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Author of UbuntuGuide, Kubuntuguide, UbuntuDoctorsGuild, and an EMR consultant.

I am an advocate for open-source (GPL-licensed) software solutions in health care, as a basis for a United States national health care system. I have served on a national standards committee (as an open-source software advocate) regarding Health Information Technology in the US. A few years ago I created the (K)Ubuntu-derived Ubuntu-Med system (which is no longer maintained in its original form) and have now decided to focus on the Debian-Med toolset instead, incorporating generic server functions into it.


I originally wrote software and software documentation for a large aerospace project and then for several military projects.

I was a UNIX and VMS user in the 1980s and networked two large organizations during the network protocol (TCP/IP) standardization period of the late 80s. I then made a detour to MS Windows for 10 years. Recently I have used Debian/(K)ubuntu over the past several years, on a network of triple boot systems (which includes multiple Windows-based boxes).

My home is wired using LinuxMCE (Media Center Edition) 7.10 running on Kubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), X10 controllers, surveillance cameras and motion detectors, and distributed multimedia.

My medium-large organization (which is healthcare-related) uses Debian/Ubuntu servers with Kolab for groupware, Drupal for collaborative web content, MediaWiki as a wiki, and WorldVistA as an electronic medical record system. We have also used DAViCal as a group calendar server, with Mozilla Thunderbird/Lightning and Sunbird as clients. I have several advanced medical certifications, as well as several other degrees. I regularly collaborate with state and national governmental agencies (in the US) regarding health information technology.

I also regularly contribute to Wikipedia, especially on specialized software topics, including electronic medical records. I currently live in Northern California.