From OpenEMR Project Wiki
Revision as of 09:01, 8 December 2012 by Julia Longtin (talk | contribs) (merge in globals.php documentation from form API page.)


The OpenEMR API is divided into many modules, few of which have been documented.

There is presently a documentation project underway. please see OpenEMR API for an overview.

Core API


globals.php defines SEVERAL global variables, most of which are editable via the 'Administration->Globals' page.

The prefered method of including globals.php is to use require_once, providing a relative path from where your file is located, to interface/globals.php. for instance: require_once('../../globals.php');.

The following variables are common to use everywhere in OpenEMR:

Variable Used For Default Value.
$GLOBALS['athletic_team'] not false if we need to check squads. part of 'sports team' functionality. True or False
$GLOBALS['concurrent_layout'] decide on target of back action in a form. True or False
$GLOBALS['encounter'] the ID of the current encounter, or empty for none. is_numeric() or ""
$GLOBALS['fileroot'] the path to the top of openemr in the filesystem. /var/www/openemr/
$GLOBALS['phone_country_code'] calendar code.
$GLOBALS['pid'] The unique identifier of the current patient. is_numeric(), or empty.
$GLOBALS['srcdir'] find files for inclusion. $webserver_root/library/
$GLOBALS['webroot'] the path of the top of openemr, when generating URIs. /openemr/
$css_header include the global css stylesheet.
$tmore the text string that should be the label next to the page name, on a show form page.

The following variables are old, and depreciated.

Variable Use Reason for Depreciation
$top_bg_line colour selection. the same function can be accomplished by editing the global openemr CSS stylesheet.
$srcdir find includes. replaced by $GLOBALS['srcdir']

The prefered method of including is to use require_once. for instance: require_once($GLOBALS['srcdir'].'/');.

The following functions are common to use everywhere in OpenEMR:

Function Use Accepts Returns
acl_check Check if a user has a given type or types of access to an access control object A category/subcategory describing a specific ACO, and optionally, a username to check, and type or types of access being requested TRUE or FALSE if a single type of access is being checked, or an array of TRUE/FALSE values coresponding to the types of access requested includes functionality for handling escaping of characters in html received from the client, and stored in the database.

The preferred method of including is to use require_once. for instance: require_once($GLOBALS['srcdir'].'/');. includes functions for manipulating patient information.

The preferred method of including is to use require_once. for instance: require_once($GLOBALS['srcdir'].'/');.

The following functions are common to use everywhere in OpenEMR:

Function Use Accepts Returns
getPatientData Get a patient's demographic data. A patient ID, and optionally a subsection of the patient's demographic data to retrieve. The requested subsection of a patient's demographic data. If no subsection was given, returns everything, with the date of birth as the last field.

Forms API

The Forms API includes all of the functions required to create both per-encounter and non-encounter forms in the OpenEMR system. see The Forms API for more information.

Notes API

The Notes API manages non-medical notes, attached to a client's medical record. see The Notes API for more information.