The Forms API

From OpenEMR Project Wiki
Revision as of 22:34, 16 January 2011 by Julia Longtin (talk | contribs) (missing pipe symbol.)

The Files That Make Up Your Form

Forms written to use the encounters form API MUST provide the following files:

Name Function Called by
new.php Draw a form for users to input data into. dropdown box on right hand of encounters page
view.php Draw a form with data in it, allowing users to edit. selecting a form in an encounter, show.php
report.php Draw part of a form displaying a simple 'report' of the form data. encounters.php and the medical records report function
table.sql Perform all of the SQL setup of the form (table creation, list insertion, etc) ??

Forms written to use the encounters form API MAY provide the following files:

Name Function Called by
save.php Save the passed in form data to the database. new.php and view.php
print.php Print the current form, with the contents pulled from the database. view.php
show.php Show a report of the form contents pulled from the database (if applicable). left_nav.php


Including globals.php (which is required) brings in many variables which are useful, for finding components of openemr, or for inheriting behaviors from other openemr code.

forms written to use the encounters form API MAY use the following variables from global.php:

Variable Used For common value(s) or equivalance.
$GLOBALS['concurrent_layout'] decide on target of back action.
$GLOBALS['phone_country_code'] calendar code.
$GLOBALS['athletic_team'] not false if we need to check squads. part of 'sports team' functionality. True or False
$GLOBALS['webroot'] find the top of the install. /openemr/
$GLOBALS['srcdir'] find files for inclusion. $GLOBALS['webroot']/library/
$css_header include the global css stylesheet.
$tmore the text string that should be the label next to the page name, on a show form page.

The following variables are old, and depreciated.

Variable Use Reason for Depreciation
$top_bg_line colour selection. the same function can be accomplished by editing the global openemr CSS stylesheet.
$srcdir find includes. replaced by $GLOBALS['srcdir']

php files to include

Include Used For
../../globals.php $GLOBALS[], $css_header, ??
$GLOBALS['srcdir']/ acl_check()
$GLOBALS['srcdir']/ generate_form_field()

Functions Available

Function from reason Returns
formFetch library/ retrieve encounter based form contents from the sql engine results of mysql_fetch_array
formSubmit library/ save encounter based form contents to the sql engine
formJump library/ redirect the browser to either the top of the current encounter, or an optional URL.
acl_check $GLOBALS['srcdir']/ check access permissions
addForm library/ add a form to an encounter
sqlInsert library/ perform insert query the id of the newly inserted row.
sqlStatement library/ perform query result of mysql_query
sqlQuery library/ perform query result of mysql_fetch_array

Files commonly referenced in HTML output

Referenced Used For
library/js/jquery.js jquery
$css_header the css theme of the site
../../forms/$form_folder/style.css the css theme of this form
library/dynarch_calendar.css the css theme of calendar objects
library/dynarch_calendar.js calendar base code
library/dynarch_calendar_en.js english calendar code


Function From Reason Returns
formHeader display a header for the form.
html_header_show library/ NO-OP; depreciated
formFooter display a form footer


when including a file, use 'require_once', or use 'include_once' and check the return!

all blocks of PHP code should start with '<?php', and end with '; ?>'. for example:

<?php echo $testvar; ?>

Layout API

The layout API is usable by forms, who want to have their fields editable through the layouts editor.

Function Include Source Reason Returns
display_layout_rows() library/ library/ display the given record in the view of the given layout
generate_form_field() library/ library/ draw a field in the 'view' view, AKA, the view/edit page.
generate_display_field() library/ library/ draw a field in the 'show' view, AKA, the style of the history page.