Talk:OpenEMR Certification Stage II Meaningful Use
From OpenEMR Project Wiki
Revision as of 19:31, 21 February 2014 by Tony McCormick (talk | contribs)
Sponsorhip / funding has been offered to MI2 for the following measures
a8. Clinical decision support a11. Smoking status a12. Images and interpretations a13. Family health history a14. Patient list creation a15. Patient-specific education resources d2. Auditable events and tamper-resistance d3. Audit report(s) d4. Amendments d7. End-user device encryption (OEMR should be exempt.) g1. Automated numerator recording g2. Automated measure calculation g3. Safety-enhanced design g4. Quality management system
More details to follow, just putting in this as a note for the moment. --Tony McCormick 19:30, 21 February 2014 (UTC)