OpenEMR ePrescribe

From OpenEMR Project Wiki
Revision as of 18:24, 28 October 2011 by Bradymiller (talk | contribs)


There are currently two known options for ePrescribing in OpenEMR. Newcrop' costs money, but is well integrated into OpenEMR. While the Allscripts is free, but isn't as well integrated. Also very notable is that the Newcrop solutions is what is used for Meaningful Use Full certification. If attempting to get Meaningful Use, then Allscripts may not be the ideal option; adding it as a modular element is thought to suffice for MU, but this is not clear (please ask on the forums if have any questions regarding this).


Integrates the free Allscripts ePrescribe website with OpenEMR.
It requires running firefox and using the greasemonkey addon:
The script is available here:
  • At top right, click 'Install' button for installation.
  • Also note the 'How do I use this' link below the 'Install' button, which discusses how to install this greasemonkey script
It has two main features right now.
  1. Find your current patient selected in OpenEMR in Allscripts. This assumes that you have already created the patient's info in Allscripts.
  2. Load the demographic information of the current OpenEMR patient into the Allscripts addPatient.aspx form.
Feature 1:
  • After installing greasemonkey and this script, what you should see is a new button in the upper frame of OpenEMR where the patient's Name and DOB are displayed. This button is just a link to the Allscripts webpage which opens in a new window. This button is also only displayed when you have an active patient in OpenEMR.
  • What happens is if you search for a patient in OpenEMR, then click this button, in the new Allscripts window, if you haven't logged in yet, you are prompted to log in. After you log in, or if you already have an active session, the search boxes will be filled with the current patient's last name and first name, and the search button gets automatically clicked. Then, it checks to results to see if there is a matching patient (by first name, last name and DOB). If so, that record is automatically selected.
Feature 2:
  • Function 2 adds a button "Load from OpenEMR" on the page "";.
  • This assumes that you are logged in to OpenEMR and have already selected a patient.
  • Upon hitting that button, a request for the demographics information is then sent to whatever OpenEMR server you've been using most recently. This information is then used to populate the form in allscripts. You can then hit Save, or edit the other fields, or do what ever you want at this point. It just saves you the trouble of typing in the information available in OpenEMR.
Author of this cool script is Kevin Yeh.


A partnership of ZH Health Care and Medical Information Integration, LLC (mi-squared) called ZMG created the NewCrop interface for eRx. For more details, see See post number 15 in the following sourceforge forum for details on this features: