Independent Developers and Contributors

From OpenEMR Project Wiki
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OpenEMR is the creation of a hodgepodge of both paid and volunteer developers.

Volunteers have been working on OpenEMR for a number of reasons. Some work on it as a hobby, others as a student project for school, others as a way to gain experience with PHP programming, and others as a gateway for future employment as a programmer/freelancer.

The following is a listing of programmers working on OpenEMR that are not necessarily working for a company in the OpenEMR Support page.

Brady Miller

Brady is a physician specializing in Hematology-Oncology. He started working with OpenEMR while in medical school and has never stopped. He is defined as the ultimate volunteer, contributing 1000's of hours of his time to OpenEMR with no financial reimbursement for his labor. He is the one of the core organizers of OpenEMR.