Incorporate lab tests and values or esults (MU2)

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MU Requirements


Taken from ONC Final Rule
(5) Incorporate laboratory tests and values/results. (i) Receive results. (A) Ambulatory setting
only. (1) Electronically receive and incorporate clinical laboratory tests and values/results in
accordance with the standard specified in § 170.205(j) and, at a minimum, the version of the
standard specified in § 170.207(c)(2).
(2) Electronically display the tests and values/results received in human readable format.
(B) Inpatient setting only. Electronically receive clinical laboratory tests and values/results
in a structured format and electronically display such tests and values/results in human
readable format.
(ii) Electronically display all the information for a test report specified at 42 CFR
493.1291(c)(1) through (7).
(iii) Electronically attribute, associate, or link a laboratory test and value/result with a
laboratory order or patient record.



