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From OpenEMR Project Wiki
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Revision as of 07:27, 30 May 2010

Step 1: You too can have your very own public openemr repository on github.com!

  • Sign up for an account on github.com
  • Make a key, and put it in your gihthub.com account
  • Make a fork from the main openemr github repository at: http://github.com/openemr/openemr

Step 2: Now, set up your local repositry

  • Clone your repository:
  • (now your github repository is called 'origin')
  • Set up a connection to the main openemr respository:
git remote add upstream git://github.com/openemr/openemr.git
  • (now the main openemr github repository is called 'upstream')
  • All the pieces are now set up. You have your local repository that is connected to your public github repository(origin) and is connected to the official openemr github repository(upstream)

Step 3: Feeding your respository

  • The 'master' and 'rel-320' are sacred branches that should not be modified by mere mortals. Never ever manually modify these branches on your local or github repository(origin). These can only be feed by the official openemr github respository(upstream).
  • First, feed your local repository(from upstream):
git checkout master
git pull upstream master
git checkout rel-320
git pull upstream rel-320
  • (Now your local repository sacred branches are feed by most current official OpenEMR code)
  • Second, feed your github repository:
git push origin
  • (This command will feed your public github repository with updated code from your local repository; note there is no need to mention specific branches)
  • That's it. You now have the most current codebase. I recommend repeating these steps frequently to keep your repositories well feed.

Tenet 1: Branches are gods

  • You may ask: If I can't work in the master or rel-320 branches, then where do I work in. The answer is your make new branches and put your work in there. Make a branch for every new project, bug fix, etc. To make a branch off of 'master' and go into it do the following:
git checkout master
git checkout -n newbranchname
  • Then do your work in this branch for your project. Recommend committing often via :
git commit -a
  • You can upload your branch to your public github repository via:
git push origin newbranchname
  • (Now others can see your branch and code, and can try it out)
  • You can also create an easy patch of your branch(ensure all changes have been committed):
git format-patch master newbranchname
  • Another thing, always commit before moving to another branch.

Tenet 2: My custom branch and code is now out of date, get some rebase...

  • What happens to my custom branches as the master and rel-320 continue to get updated (via step 3 above)? Your patches and branches get out of date!!
  • This can be dealt by doing the following):
1. checkout your outdated branch:
git checkout workbranchname
2. rebase your outdated branch (I am assuming that the workbranchname was branched off master):
git rebase master
3. remove your outdated branch from your public git repository(origin)
git push origin :workbranchname
4. add your newly updated branch to your public git repository(origin)
git push origin workbranchname