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m (Creating user page with biography of new user.)
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Latest revision as of 23:57, 28 May 2012

I have been a long time (since 1996) free software and free content activit.

As such, I have been a member of the board of the French speaking AFUL (association des utilisateurs de Linux et des logiciels libres) and then of the larger APRIL, the oldest and largest (5000 members, more than 100 companies affiliated) French speaking association to support and promote free software. Since 2000, I have been involved in the struggle against software patents and in the promotion of free software, mainly for administrations and education.

I have been the leader of the campaigns to have political candidates sign firm commitments to use, promote free software, open data and net neutrality (see http://candidats.be and http://lepacte.be and http://hetpacte.be)

I am professionnally active as a physics and computing science teacher. I have had a small practice as consultant about free software implementations.

I have a Phd in physics and a master in management.